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50% Discounted + 6 Months Added = 18 Month Full Pass
Thousands of resources, PowerPoints, worksheets, activities + ideas.
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icHistory Resource Library - ALL Resources Included
+ New Topics Added Weekly
+ New Topics Added Weekly
Key Stage 3 Focus – Students Aged 10 -14
History Skills, 101 Source Collections, History Mystery Series, The Romans, Rome + the Gladiators, Boudicca, Hannibal Barca, Invaders + Settlers, 1066 + Crime and Punishment, The Feudal System, Motte and Bailey Castles, Genghis Khan, The Black Death, Age of Exploration, Native People of America, The Lost Colony of Roanoke, The British Empire, The Atlantic Slave Trade, Slavery on Trial, Henry VIII, The Reformation, The Spanish Armada, English Civil War, Witch Craze – Pendle and Salem, Witchfinder General, The Gunpowder Plot, The Industrial Revolution, Children in Factories, Factory Owner on Trial, The French Revolution, The American Revolution, The American Civil War, Race Relations USA – 1865 – 1970, Jack the Ripper - Skills + Investigation, Crime and Punishment – Victorian Police Academy, The Titanic – Skills + Investigation, Stolen Generations, The First World War, First World War Medicine, First World War Mercy Dogs, Haig on Trial, First World War - Gallipoli,Propaganda, Power and Persuasion. The Dictators, The Causes of World War 2, World War 2, The Blitz, WW2 Home Front, The Holocaust, Anne Frank, + More …
Key Stage 4 / 5 Focus - Students Aged 14 -18
History Skills, 101 Source Collections, Norman - Crime + Punishment, Jack the Ripper – Crime + Punishment, Elizabeth I, First World War Medicine, Versailles + Other Peace Treaties of World War 1, The League of Nations, Model League of Nations, The Causes of World War 2, World War 2, Cold War Origins, Expansion of the Soviet Bloc, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, Cuba - Emergence of Castro, Bay of Pigs + Missile Crisis, Rise of Mussolini, Impact of the Cold War – focus on Vietnam, West Germany + Cuba, End of the Cold War – including roles of Gorbachev + Reagan, Weimar Germany, The Rise of Hitler, The Rise of Hitler Board Game, Nazi Germany, The Holocaust, Anne Frank, USA Boom and Bust Depth Study, USA and the Gulf War, Russia – 1850 to 1924, The Road to Global War – including Germany, Italy + Japan Case Studies, + More …
History Skills, 101 Source Collections, History Mystery Series, The Romans, Rome + the Gladiators, Boudicca, Hannibal Barca, Invaders + Settlers, 1066 + Crime and Punishment, The Feudal System, Motte and Bailey Castles, Genghis Khan, The Black Death, Age of Exploration, Native People of America, The Lost Colony of Roanoke, The British Empire, The Atlantic Slave Trade, Slavery on Trial, Henry VIII, The Reformation, The Spanish Armada, English Civil War, Witch Craze – Pendle and Salem, Witchfinder General, The Gunpowder Plot, The Industrial Revolution, Children in Factories, Factory Owner on Trial, The French Revolution, The American Revolution, The American Civil War, Race Relations USA – 1865 – 1970, Jack the Ripper - Skills + Investigation, Crime and Punishment – Victorian Police Academy, The Titanic – Skills + Investigation, Stolen Generations, The First World War, First World War Medicine, First World War Mercy Dogs, Haig on Trial, First World War - Gallipoli,Propaganda, Power and Persuasion. The Dictators, The Causes of World War 2, World War 2, The Blitz, WW2 Home Front, The Holocaust, Anne Frank, + More …
Key Stage 4 / 5 Focus - Students Aged 14 -18
History Skills, 101 Source Collections, Norman - Crime + Punishment, Jack the Ripper – Crime + Punishment, Elizabeth I, First World War Medicine, Versailles + Other Peace Treaties of World War 1, The League of Nations, Model League of Nations, The Causes of World War 2, World War 2, Cold War Origins, Expansion of the Soviet Bloc, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, Cuba - Emergence of Castro, Bay of Pigs + Missile Crisis, Rise of Mussolini, Impact of the Cold War – focus on Vietnam, West Germany + Cuba, End of the Cold War – including roles of Gorbachev + Reagan, Weimar Germany, The Rise of Hitler, The Rise of Hitler Board Game, Nazi Germany, The Holocaust, Anne Frank, USA Boom and Bust Depth Study, USA and the Gulf War, Russia – 1850 to 1924, The Road to Global War – including Germany, Italy + Japan Case Studies, + More …
Benefits of using one of the site passes
- An entire digital history library for the same price as one textbook.
- Instant access.
- Thousands of worksheets, ideas, PowerPoints, and activities.
- All new resources are included for the pass duration.
- Personal log-in to access from any device, anywhere.
- Resources can be downloaded to keep and use forever.
- + No questions asked refund promise.
History Teacher Reviews
The resources and the activities that are provided are amazing! I am currently attempting to write a new curriculum and I love the different activities that are used throughout, they are colourful and engaging and I can not wait to use them within my own classroom’. Jamielee-Harb – Secondary History Teacher
'Just a note to confirm the safe arrival of your resources. And once again, I wish to express my huge appreciation of the sheer quality of your endeavours. Just to think on the amount of time, effort, creativity and industry which is represented by each topic area is deeply impressive. I only wish I had had such material available earlier in my teaching career! ' Sarah Porterfield, History Teacher, Bath, UK.
'The ideas alone are worth the subscription.'
Steve Redmond, Head of History, East Midlands, UK.
Steve Redmond, Head of History, East Midlands, UK.
'Thank you, your work is quality! Saving me an awful lot of time.' - Tes Review
'The work you put out has been a godsend in helping us keep the kids engaged and learning.' Sam, Philippines.
'I love your resources they are great. They are really engaging and suitable for a range of abilities. We signed up for the subscription last year and wanted to subscribe again because it is so good and time saving – a must for all the teachers in these times of curriculum and assessment change. Will certainly recommend to everyone I know and encourage all of my department to use your resources.'
Hannah Buckingham, Head of History, Cheshire, UK.
Hannah Buckingham, Head of History, Cheshire, UK.
'As a new head of department and is a struggling school, I have introduced many of your resources to my department and our student’s. We set up one of your fantastic role play trials with our year 9 class. This has certainly re-invigorated our approach to the subject and our take up at GCSE has been higher than it has been in years''
Thomas Clarke, Head of Humanities, Leicester, UK.
Thomas Clarke, Head of Humanities, Leicester, UK.
'Naturally some activities suit my teaching and students better than others but my overall impression is that these are excellent resources. I have to say I most text-book based resources that are inferior to what you produce.'
Terri Lowe, History Team Leader, London, UK.
Terri Lowe, History Team Leader, London, UK.
I am absolutely loving these resources and happy I signed up for the packs . Best investment and I will definitely be renewing my subscription.' Niamh McGuiness. Assistant Headteacher, St Marks Secondary School, UK.